Philanthropy and Sponsorship
Contributing to the Quality of Education in Côte d'Ivoire
A- On November 19, 2019, the Executive Director of the Foundation, Tidiane Diaby, in the presence of the Vice President of the University in charge of Pedagogy, Professor Michel Kodo, handed over computers and internet keys to Miss Yao Amoin Marie Christelle Natacha, a 3rd-year Medical student, and Miss N'Zué Amenan Sonia, a 2nd-year student in Economics and Management Sciences.
B- As part of the joint action plan BBGCI/FSME, the Foundation launched a call for tenders on its Facebook page on March 8, 2020, for the selection of an NGO for the coaching of students. This coaching will enable students to acquire skills in Internet use, organizing their personal work, oral expression, and preparation for job interviews.
A meeting took place on Monday, August 3, 2020, from 9:30 am to 12:10 pm at the GROUPE AS BOUAKE headquarters, between GROUPE AS executives and coaches and the students benefiting from the Sainte-Marie Foundation for Education scholarship, as part of the GROUPE AS/FSME partnership for student coaching.
The following people were present at this meeting:
- 4- Mr. SERELE ZOUA YAGBA PIERRE; member of GROUPE AS, Trainer in expression technique.
- 5- Miss N'ZUE AMENAN SONIA, Student in Management Sciences,
- 6- Miss YAO MARIE CHRISTELLE, Medical Sciences Student.
It should be noted that Mr. N'KETIAH, the representative of the University of AO in Bouake, and Mr. YAO ANDERSON JUNIOR KONAN, Member of GROUPE AS and IT Coach, were absent due to professional constraints. This meeting marks the beginning of the coaching of students benefiting from the Sainte-Marie Foundation for Education scholarship with its partner, Bridge Bank Group.
C- To maintain the achievements of the first two quarters of the 2019-2020 school year of the 3 1st-year students supported by Bridge Bank Group CI and to enable them to continue online learning in good conditions, the Sainte-Marie Foundation for Education decided to offer each of them a digital tablet.
D- On October 1, 2021, the presentation of the wards to the management committee of Bridge Bank Group Côte d'Ivoire took place. This warm ceremony was an opportunity for the Foundation to thank Bridge Bank Group Côte d'Ivoire, headed by its Managing Director.
The Foundation took the opportunity to present the achievements of the partnership, namely: The installation of digital boards in 6 classes of Sainte-Marie High School in Abidjan. The selection and support of 2 students from the University of Bouake for 3 years who are currently in Master 1 in Economics and Master 1 in Medicine. And also, the support of 3 students from the Classical High School, from the Second year, who all obtained their BAC this year.
Following the Foundation, the MD said he was impressed with the result of the 3 years of support and is willing, with his team, to continue the collaboration with the Foundation.
Selection and Support of a New Cohort of 5 Wards, 5 Students of the Classical High School of Abidjan 2022-2024
FSME, in collaboration with the social service of the Classical High School of Abidjan, has proceeded, upon proposal of the social service, to select 5 new wards in the 1st year at the Classical High School of Abidjan.
The mission composed of Mrs. PAKORA Marie Gisèle, principal inspector of Specialized Education and head of the social unit at the Classical High School of Abidjan, and Mrs. N'CHO Apoth Caroline, Administrative Secretary of the Sainte Marie Foundation for Education, visited the homes of the 6 pre-selected students by the social service of the Classical High School of Abidjan according to the Foundation's criteria, on Saturday, October 22, 2022.
Improving the Teaching/Learning Environment:
Make innovative educational tools (digital boards in classrooms) available to Sainte-Marie High School in Abidjan, Train teachers in the use of digital boards.
A- The official ceremony for the provision of digital boards to the school took place on March 5, 2020, for the upper cycle classes (10th, 11th, and 12th grades). These digital boards were donated by the Sainte-Marie Foundation for Education in collaboration with the company Bridge Bank Group.
B- The ceremony for the delivery of digital boards to Sainte-Marie High School in Abidjan on November 20, 2021, with our partner, Bridge Bank Group Côte d'Ivoire.
The Sainte Marie Foundation for Education and its partner are equipping Sainte Marie High School in Cocody with digital boards.
According to the Head of Marketing and Communication Division of Bridge Bank Group Côte d'Ivoire, Maïmouna Ba-Gomis, "as a responsible company, we want to transform individuals into valuable assets in society while respecting values. In addition to our traditional financial activities, our company also acts in the fields of education, health, and the environment. These digital boards, for example, allow for the dematerialization of learning and thus preserve the environment by reducing the use of paper-based materials," she explained.
The Sainte Marie Foundation for Education and its partner are equipping Sainte Marie High School in Cocody with digital boards on Saturday, November 20, 2021.
Report by #NCI
C- Côte d’Ivoire-AIP/ Teachers of Lycée Sainte Marie undergo training on the use of interactive digital boards.
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, teachers at Lycée Sainte Marie in Abidjan began a training session on the use of interactive digital boards, initiated by the Sainte Marie Foundation for Education (FSME).
D- Abidjan, March 15, 2023 (AIP) - Lycée Sainte Marie de Cocody received the third wave of digital boards, donated by the Bridge Bank Group, on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, in the school's indoor theater, with the aim of eventually equipping the entire secondary cycle of the school.
Ensuring Visibility of the BBGCI/FSME Partnership
Provide the Foundation with a functional website: The Website of the Sainte-Marie Foundation for Education is now available. more information about the Foundation's actions, please follow the link below:
Online articles on partnership activities: