Business Market

Account Holding and Custodian Bank Activity

Participation in fundraising operations or securitization for Institutional clients (companies) and acquisition and holding of monetary or financial securities for clients (companies or individuals)


Factoring is a technique that allows the transfer of management of accounts receivable to the bank

Key Man Insurance

KEY MAN insurance is a group insurance contract designed to guarantee subscribing companies by paying a fixed capital under the contract in the event of the death, TPD, or Key Men within their structures.

Multi-Risk Home Insurance for LLCs

The Multirisk Home Insurance covers damages to the real estate property of the Real Estate Investment Company (SCI). This insurance contract covers homes in full property of the SCI, whether owner-occupied or non-occupied.

Bills of Exchange Guarantees

Bill aval is a commitment given by BBG, intended to guarantee the payment of a bill issued by its client in favor of third parties. Bill aval is considered as a payment guarantee on the given due date by a third party or by one of the signatories of a bill of exchange.

Foreign Bills of Exchange Guarantees

Bill aval is a commitment given by BBG, intended to guarantee the payment of a bill issued by its client in favor of third parties. Bill aval is considered as a payment guarantee on the given due date by a third party or by one of the signatories of a bill of exchange. Through the aval, BBG lends its signature, against commission(s), and allows its client, either to obtain credit from its supplier or to avoid a deposit payment.

Advance on Purchase Order

The advance on purchase order is financing requested by a client in order to allow them to fulfill an order.

Advance on Purchase Order/Contract

The advance on purchase order or on contract is an advance made by the bank to a client to allow them to carry out a purchase order or a contract. In this case, the claim has not yet arisen (service not yet provided for an existing contract).

Advance on Tax Charges

It is a financing formula that allows the payment of a company's tax obligations in the event of cash flow difficulties.

Advance on Payroll Charges

It is a financing formula that allows the payment of the salaries of the employees of a company, pending future receipts. It allows the company to maintain a peaceful social environment.

Advance on Checks

Financing allowing the anticipation of the cashing of a check intended for a client, pending the date of actual settlement.

Advance on Invoice

The advance on invoice is an advance made by the bank to a client pending the payment of an invoice. However, it is important to ensure the quality of the ultimate payer in this case.

Advance on Contract

Financing allowing a client who has obtained a contract to have resources to be able to carry it out.

Bridge Collect

Check scanning solution

Bridge Business Credit

The pro credit is financing granted to professionals based on the amount of the available DAT. It will allow the target to benefit from 2 times the amount of their DAT in credit.

Bridge Business Savings

The pro savings account is a savings account intended for professionals practicing a liberal profession that allows them to protect and grow non-recurring income. This savings also serves as collateral for financing potential investments.


BRIDGE TOUCH is a remote banking service. It allows BBG-CI clients to manage their bank account in real time with options for checking and editing account status, transfers, receiving alerts on mobile phones, and communicating via secure messaging, in complete confidentiality with their advisor.

Bank Guarantee

Market Guarantees; Definitive guarantee; Retention Guarantee; Guarantee in favor of third parties; Customs guarantees

Checking Account

The current account or checking account is a sight account that allows for banking operations and is linked to various products and services (transfer, loans, etc.)


Confirming is a product that allows Enterprise customers to transfer to the Bank all or part of their supplier payment activity

Working Capital Loan

A financing formula that specifically supports companies regarding their working capital needs.

Investment Credit

The investment credit is a credit that helps the client in their development. This medium-term credit is used to finance various types of assets, whether it be the construction or the development of professional buildings, equipment, or machinery.

Campaign Credit

The campaign credit allows for the short-term financing of the needs of the long operating cycle of a company's stocks. The bank grants advances to the company within a limit and a duration, for a fee. It is intended for enterprises whose activity is seasonal, notably agricultural activities with very concentrated sales periods.

Documentary Credit

The Documentary Credit or Letter of Credit is an operation that takes place within the framework of import/export operations. It is a commitment by which the importer's bank (ordering client) guarantees to the exporter (beneficiary third party) the payment of their goods upon presentation of documents attesting to the shipment and the quality of the goods specified in the contract.

Equipment Loan

A financing formula that specifically supports companies regarding their working capital needs.

Long-Term Loan

Investment credit is a credit that supports the client in their development. This long-term credit finances various types of assets, whether it be the construction or fitting out of professional buildings, the acquisition of equipment or machinery, etc.

Medium-Term Loan

Investment credit is a credit that supports the client in their development. This medium-term credit finances various types of assets, whether it be the construction or fitting out of professional buildings, the acquisition of equipment or machinery, etc.

Spot Credit

Generally granted to strong and sizeable enterprises, the spot is a short-term cash credit that aims to contribute to the financing of a specific and punctual need in the operating cycle of a business.


The overdraft is an authorization granted to the client, allowing them to operate their current account in a debit position up to a specified limit. Generally granted for a period of one year, it is used to finance the portion of the Working Capital Requirement (WCR) not covered by the Cash Deposit Reserve (CDR). The resulting debit balance is only due at the end of the authorization, unless renewed.

Time Deposit

The Time Deposit Account (TDA) is a deposit account in which funds are locked in for a specified period, with interest rates set in advance.

Commercial Discount

Commercial discounting is a facility that allows a company to finance its account receivables by having its trade bills bought back before maturity, subject to the payment of interest. It is a facility that allows the company to receive immediate payment on a bill due in the future.

Commercial Paper Discount

Financing that allows the anticipation of the collection of a trade bill intended for a legal entity, pending the date of effective payment.

Bill Discounts

The discounting of bills allows the advantage of obtaining immediate payment of a trade bill, without waiting for its due date. Indeed, BBG credits you with the amount of the receivable reduced by the interest.

Documentary Credits

This is a credit that finances the payment terms of your business partners internationally.

In case of cash flow deficit, it allows you to mobilize an unexpired receivable for your export operations.

Insurance Premium Financing

The financing of insurance premiums is a short-term credit that allows the company to pay the full amount of its annual insurance premiums. It concerns mainly non-life insurance products (property, casualty, liability, travel, health, automobile, etc.)

Import Financing

Through pre-financing credit, BBG finances your cash flow needs related to the execution, either of a specific external order or of regular business with foreign countries, such as the supply of raw materials and supplies, operating expenses, storage costs, etc.

Bank Guarantee

It is a bank guarantee used to cover a client's activity.

First Demand Guarantees

These are unconditional guarantees. It is the commitment by which BBG CI undertakes to pay on behalf of its client a specified amount from the commercial contract, which will allow the beneficiary to be compensated in case of default by its client.

Stand-By Letters of Credit

The standby letter of credit ensures maximum flexibility in the processing of your operations, whether you are an importer or exporter. It provides the exporter with a guarantee of payment for their deliveries. It also constitutes an irrevocable commitment from the bank to compensate its beneficiary in case of default by the ordering party (the buyer).

Repatriation of All Currencies

Mainly euros, USD - spot product: receipt of payment for export invoices of goods or services from foreign clients OUTSIDE WAEMU

Import & Export Documentary Collections

Documentary collection allows you to condition your payment, whether at sight or at term, on the delivery of the documents necessary for the acquisition of the merchandise or service. In this case, BBG will be responsible for the exchange of documents against payment, in strict compliance with the instructions given to it.

Virtual IBAN

Reconciliation solution to allow microfinance clients to transit via SICA.

Inventory Financing

Stock goods insurance guarantees the losses and damages caused to a company on a specific object, namely raw materials and goods, during their storage phase.

Temporary Suspension

Option to suspend the repayment program for an agreed period and then resume repayment.

All Risks Construction

This insurance allows the client to be covered against damages that may occur in the context of construction or renovation work (the structure, materials and equipment, machinery, temporary site installations). It also guarantees accidental damage that may affect the site during its construction. Finally, it guarantees the damages and losses suffered by a third party resulting from an accident attributable to the execution of the work.


Electronic Payment Terminals (credit card and electronic wallet)

International Transfers in All Currencies

Mainly euros, USD - spot product: payment of import invoices or service provision to foreign suppliers OUTSIDE WAEMU;